Bash Scripts

Create Incremental Backup with Rsync

# Create incremental backups using rsync with hard links
# Current impementation meant for daily backups

# TODO: Implement arguments for customizability- number of backups, date interval, source and destination folders

to_backup=("/etc" "/home" "/root" "/var" "/srv" "/opt")
# number of backups to keep

# Change to backup folder
cd /backup

# rotate backups
# wildcard allows for missing days due to downtime (using async scheduler)
rm -rf backup.*.${backup_backlog}
for (( log_number=$backup_backlog; log_number >= 2; log_number-- )); do
    log_date=$(ls | grep backup.*.$((${log_number}-1)) | cut -d'.' -f 2)
    # If the destination folder doesn't have the max number of backups (backup_backlog), filenaming gets weird
    # This makes sure that if any of the backup directories are missing, an empty file with the right name is added
    # New empty file keeps naming convention consistent
    if [ ! -d "backup.${log_date}.$(( ${log_number} - 1 ))" ]; then
        touch "backup.$(date --date="$(date) -${log_number} days" '+%F').$(( ${log_number} - 1 ))"
        log_date=$(ls | grep backup.*.$((${log_number}-1)) | cut -d'.' -f 2)
    mv "backup.${log_date}.$(( ${log_number} - 1 ))" "backup.${log_date}.${log_number}"
cp -al "backup.$(ls | grep backup.*.0 | cut -d'.' -f 2).0" "backup.$(ls | grep backup.*.0 | cut -d'.' -f 2).1"

# make new backup
rsync -a --dry-run --delete --exclude="/home/*/.cache" ${to_backup[@]} "backup.$(ls | grep backup.*.0 | cut -d'.' -f 2).0"
# Keeps naming convention consistent
mv "backup.$(ls | grep backup.*.0 | cut -d'.' -f 2).0" "backup.$(date '+%F').0/"

Check if certain files or directories have changed


if ! [ -f /var/opt/org_hashes ]; then
        rm -f $cur_file

echo "$(sha256sum /etc/passwd)" >>              ${cur_file}
echo "$(sha256sum /etc/shadow)" >>              ${cur_file}
echo "$(sha256sum /etc/ssh/sshd_config)" >>     ${cur_file}
echo "$(sha256sum /etc/crontab)" >>             ${cur_file}

systemctl | grep service >> /tmp/service_list
echo "$(sha256sum /tmp/service_list)" >>        ${cur_file} 
rm -f /tmp/service_list

for file in $(echo $PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'); do
        ls -l $file > /tmp/$(echo $file | sed 's/\//_/g')
        sha256sum /tmp/$(echo $file | sed 's/\//_/g') >> $cur_file
        rm -f /tmp/$(echo $file | sed 's/\//_/g')

echo "`sha256sum $(which sshd)`" >>             ${cur_file}
echo "`sha256sum $(which ps)`" >>               ${cur_file}
echo "`sha256sum $(which netstat)`" >>          ${cur_file}
echo "`sha256sum $(which lsof)`" >>             ${cur_file}
echo "`sha256sum $(which ss)`" >>               ${cur_file}

if [ -f /var/opt/check_hashes ]; then
        if [ "$(sha256sum /var/opt/check_hashes | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" = "$(sha256sum /var/opt/org_hashes | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" ]; then
                echo "Files are unchanged"
                echo "Files Changed!"

Windows Scripts

Find Listening TCP Services

# Find all open Ports and report the local address, local port, remote address, remote port, and Owning Process

$connections = Get-NetTCPConnection | sort-object State, LocalAddress, OwningProcess | Where-Object { $_.LocalAddress -notlike '*:*' }
$connections | Format-Table -AutoSize LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, State, @{
    Label = "Owning Process"
    Expression={(Get-Process -Id $_.OwningProcess)}

Delete files older than X days

REM Windows batch file to delete all files in a specific folder older than x days
REM Based on script from

REM Get folder to clear out and time restriction
set /p "folder=Enter folder to clear out: "

REM Check if folder exists
if not exist %folder%\* goto notexist

REM Enter how old in days the file must be to be deleted then lists the files in the folder
REM If the input is invalid, catch it and quit
set /p "UserInput=How old should the deleted files be (in days)? "
set /a days=%UserInput%

if %days% EQU 0 (
	echo Deletion Failed. Check Syntax.
	goto quit
) else (
    forfiles -p %folder% -s -m *.* -d -%days% -c "cmd /c echo @file"

REM Ask user if they want to delete the listed files
set /p "choice=Delete these files? [Y/N]: "

if /I %choice%=="Y" goto delete
goto nodelete

echo Not deleting files.
goto quit

REM Delete files in specified folder
echo Deleting files
forfiles -p %folder% -s -m *.* -d -(Number of days) -c "cmd /c del @path"
goto quit

echo Folder does not exist
goto quit
